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Examines changes which have occurred in North Dakota airline fares and services since deregulation. The findings and summary conclusions of the analysis are presented.

Rail costs have been estimated under two separate assumptions. The first involves the development of revenue-cost ratios for the through movement of grain and grain products from country origin to final destination; the second, the development of revenue-cost ratios for the outbound portion of the movement...

This verified statement will address the subject of off-branch costs. The principal concern is with the calculation and application of the cost update ratio and the development of car ownership and locomotive depreciation expenses.

Deals with issues regarding the importance of transportation in the Upper Midwest.

This study was undertaken as a pilot study of motor carrier services provided to eight communities located in North Dakota with populations of 5,000 people or less. The intentions of the study are to provide insight into the level and adequacy of motor carrier service, traffic characteristics of the...

The objectives of this study are to define the regulatory environment of interstate and intrastate motor carriers, to compare the North Dakota intrastate motor carrier industry's financial characteristics to a nationwide industry-norm, and to analyze trends of the North Dakota intrastate motor carrier...

There are at least two basic reasons for the tremendous growth in trucking of exempt commodities in the past six years: a protracted rail transportation capacity shortage, and grain handling capacity shortage which lasted from October of 1977 through January of 1980, and rail pricing policy which made...

The overall purpose of this report is to evaluate, in a descriptive fashion, the movements of grains from North Dakota. Specific objectives are to evaluate past and present grain movements with particular emphasis on grain origin, destination, mode of shipment, and commodities shipped. Particular attention...

This paper is a compilation of papers which represents five aspects of North Dakota trucking.

A synopsis of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050