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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Costs and Profitability of Light Density Branch Lines: Burlington Northern vs. Short Line Ownership
Authors:Denver Tolliver, Daniel Zink, and Frank Dooley
Publication Date:Jul 1987
Report #:SP-85
TRID #:00550401
Keywords:branch lines, railroads, rates
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


Three sets of light-density lines in North Dakota were analyzed with respect to the potential economies to be gained from short line operation. The three networks consisted of: 1) a single, 81-mile branch line with a density of nine cars per mile; 2) a 667-mile regional network with 20 cars per mile; and 3) a 211-mile network with 35 cars per mile. Each network was analyzed first as a light-density subsystem of the Burlington Northern Railroad, and then as an independent short line operation.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050