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The theory of dominant firm price leadership is used to explain price and output behavior and equilibrium in rail and truck grain transportation. A very important factor explaining intermodal competition is the slope of the supply function of the competitive fringe, the truck mode. An econometric model...

This study presents the results of an analysis of changes in air fares and service levels in North Dakota after passage of the Airline Deregulation Act.

The dramatic increases in crop production in both Renville and Bottineau in recent years has important merchandising implications. Foremost, it allows competitive elevators to increase volume thereby enhancing profitability. However, increased production in a given area and increased volume at a particular...

The overall purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of alternative cooperative arrangements, especially a subterminal elevator, at a selected specific site in Bisbee, North Dakota. While the analysis develops results for Bisbee, the methodology and data sources used will provide guidance...

The objectives of this paper were primarily two-fold. First, a descriptive analysis of rail rates for wheat from North Dakota was performed. Second, applicable rail costs of a typical wheat movement from North Dakota were calculated.

The deregulatory environment has brought with it an undeniable amount of uncertainty. No longer are inflationary cost indexes the primary price-setting factor. Instead, airlines must now set fares subject to industry competition. The effectiveness of various airline pricing strategies will depend on...

This report presents the grain drawing capabilities and plant upgrade analysis of the Mooreton-Dwight Cooperative.

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseed from North Dakota.

The analyses that follow are concerned with four investment alternatives: 1) purchase of tractor/trailer rig; 2) lease of tractor/trailer rig; 3) purchase of jumbo covered hopper car; and 4) lease of jumbo covered hopper car.

The general objective of this study is to identify the nature and costs of potential short line railroads in North Dakota as a means to mitigate effects of branch line abandonment.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050