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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Grain Drawing Capabilities and Purchase Options of the Mohall, North Dakota Grain Elevator
Authors:Dennis Ming and Daniel Zink
Publication Date:May 1984
Report #:SP-63
TRID #:01844261
Keywords:grain elevators, investments
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


The dramatic increases in crop production in both Renville and Bottineau in recent years has important merchandising implications. Foremost, it allows competitive elevators to increase volume thereby enhancing profitability. However, increased production in a given area and increased volume at a particular elevator are not mutually inclusive. Managers must be able to effectively merchandise grain in a manner that allows for attracting sufficient volume at profitable margins. Thus, the competitive environment as well as area production will dictate the relative volume and profitability of a particular facility.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050