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This paper is an expanded version of a report submitted to the Office of Transportation Analysis, Interstate Commerce Commission regarding the competitive impacts of rail rate contracts on country grain elevators. The project was conducted concurrent with similar studies in several other grain producing...

Management and utilization of North Dakota's transportation network is extremely dynamic in nature. This has always been the case, but particularly so in the past five to ten years. Several factors have accelerated the changes in demands on the transportation system and its management. Some of these...

The extent of the county and rural road system indicates the breadth of the potential management problems that may arise over the entire local system. In a state like North Dakota where geographic and economic disparities among regions are often pronounced, issues or problems facing local transportation...

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of existing federal and state laws and regulations on intrastate trucking operations in North Dakota and analyze the potential impacts of regulatory reform (including varying degrees of regulation).

The objectives of this paper are primarily two-fold. First, the logistical process of identity preserved grain shipments will be described. And second, certain cost comparisons will be made with traditional wheat shipments from North Dakota.

This report is a result of a survey conducted of all North Dakota cities to solicit information regarding characteristics and activities of city street departments.

This report is intended to provide background information from which decisions can be based regarding current and future tax incentives. The intent is to provide factual information without regard to position of the level or source of tax incentives or subsidies.

Cooperation among jurisdictions and consolidation of programs is one method by which economies may be gained, thereby either reducing costs or upgrading quality of programs. One such consolidation which may be considered is the merger of road programs at the local level. Such a consolidation has been...

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseed from North Dakota.

The objectives of this paper are to: 1) describe recent structural changes in the North Dakota country elevator industry; 2) document the change in concentration of grain handling in the North Dakota country elevator industry before and after implementation of multi-car rates; and 3) suggest implications...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050