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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:County Road Management Problems in North Dakota
Authors:Daniel Zink
Publication Date:Nov 1986
Report #:SP-77
TRID #:00488660
Keywords:county roads, data collection, gravel roads, interviewing, maintenance, maintenance management, management, needs assessment, questionnaires, recommendations, surveys
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


The extent of the county and rural road system indicates the breadth of the potential management problems that may arise over the entire local system. In a state like North Dakota where geographic and economic disparities among regions are often pronounced, issues or problems facing local transportation managers can be extremely diverse. A survey of county officials was conducted in order to assess these problems more comprehensively. The objective of the survey was to identify specific problems and issues encountered by North Dakota counties relative to local road management.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050