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The overall objective of this report is to assist grain trucking firms manage their backhaul opportunities. The specific objectives of this report are to: 1) identify and define the industry backhaul characteristics of North Dakota grain truckers; 2) determine and describe what methods are being used...

This report documents the installation and implementation of the Uniform Rail Costing System (URCS) at the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI).

The purpose of this dissertation is two-fold: 1) to quantify the impacts of subterminal development on pavement life-cycles and future highway financial needs; and 2) to develop a set of procedures which can be used elsewhere in the state or region to analyze similar problems in the future.

This report represents a condensed version of the RTAP Devils Lake Highway Impact Study. The purpose of the report is to present a synopsis of the methods and data employed and to highlight the findings.

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseed from North Dakota.

The Commercial Motor Vehicle Act of 1986 requires that drivers of certain vehicles (especially large trucks) obtain a commercial drivers license. The law as originally written would require that farmers obtain the license if their vehicles and shipment types fall within the established provisions of...

The objectives of the report are to provide a general overview of the institutional factors affecting rail labor negotiations and identify issues central to rail labor negotiations in 1988.

This report is for Transportation Institute personnel who write, type, mail, or are otherwise involved in publishing reports. Its purpose is three-fold: 1) to develop a continuity in style for reports produced by this office; 2) to give guidelines to new or experienced personnel; and 3) to enhance the...

This paper analyzes the potential merger of the Portland Elevator and the Portland Junction Elevator.

The specific objectives of the report are to: 1) define and compare industry characteristics of North Dakota grain truckers with previous research; 2) estimate and evaluate the operating costs for motor carrier firms hauling grain in North Dakota; and 3) evaluate changes in grain trucking costs over...

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