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Winter storms significantly increase crash risk and disrupt travel, especially under extreme conditions. Gusty winds, heavy moisture, and low temperatures can quickly make travel dangerous in the Northern Plains. Crash analysis revealed key features and contributing factors. Peer states, including South...

The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators. This report and the statistics mailed to individual elevators are presented as a source of information for...

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota. This series began with the analysis of 1956-57 data and was published in Agricultural Economics Reports 15, 17, 44, 56, and 86 and Agricultural Experiment Station...

As the market penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) increases, the surge of charging demand could potentially overload the power grid and disrupt infrastructure planning. Hence, an efficient deployment strategy of electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is much needed. This project attempted to address...

Maintaining sufficient charge during the duration of travel along with the time required to recharge the vehicle are major concerns for electric vehicle (EV) owners. This project focuses on in-motion, inductive power transfer (IPT) embedded in roadways to ensure charge duration and replace stationary...

This report is the response to the North Dakota Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all counties, townships and tribes in the state. In 2019, the North Dakota Legislature advanced HB 1066 which had a provision for funding distributions to non-oil producing...

Zero-group velocity (ZGV) modes in rails are studied through simulation and experiments. Local resonances associated with ZGV modes appear as distinct, sharp peaks in the frequency amplitude spectrum, whose resonant frequencies can serve as indicators of the local structural integrity condition of the...

This report describes methods that allow for assessing structural integrity using a direct porting of imaging methods captured by both hand-held and uncrewed aircraft system (UAS)-assisted photography into computational analysis tools to monitor structural degradation of transportation structures. Of...

The United States lags behind other developed countries in several transportation safety metrics. Progress has been made in reducing the number of traffic-related fatalities, but preventable crashes resulting in death, injury, and property damage continue to occur. The statewide driver survey provides...

The determination of bed shear stress plays a pivotal role in understanding the fluid dynamics in both natural and engineered channels. The commonly employed logarithmic law provides a mathematical formula to compute the bed shear stress in open-channel flows. However, its applicability in flow through...

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