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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Infrastructure Needs: North Dakota's County, Township and Tribal Roads and Bridges: 2024-2043
Authors:Alan Dybing, Bradley Wentz, Kelly Bengtson, Sharijad Hasan, Bryon Fuchs, Tom Jirik, and Kshitij Sharma
Publication Date:Oct 2024
Type:Research Report


This report is the response to the North Dakota Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all counties, townships and tribes in the state. In 2019, the North Dakota Legislature advanced HB 1066 which had a provision for funding distributions to non-oil producing counties based on the most recent version of this study. HB 1066 also stated: "If the data compiled by the upper great plains transportation institute includes more than one twenty-year estimate for the total needs of each county, the state treasurer shall use an average of the twenty-year estimates for each County."

In this report, the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) estimated infrastructure needs using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway inventory and condition data available. Agricultural- and oil-related traffic are modeled in detail at the sub-county level. Oil-related traffic is predicted for individual spacing units, whereas agricultural production is estimated at the township level.

View supplemental information from the 2023-2025 North Dakota legislative study

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