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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Infrastructure Needs: North Dakota's County, Township and Tribal Roads and Bridges: 2017-2036
Authors:Alan Dybing, Pan Lu, Dale Heglund, Tim Horner, Michal Jaroszynski, Tom Jirik, Bradley Wentz, Andrew Wrucke, Luke Holt, Christopher DeHaan, Yong Shin Park, Poyraz Kayabas, Yuan Xu, Osama Khan, Fangzheng Yuan, Ali Rahim Taleqani, Zijian Zheng, and Chijioke Ifepe
Publication Date:Nov 2016
TRID #:01673792
Keywords:bridges, condition surveys, financing, forecasting, infrastructure, needs assessment, roads, traffic data, travel demand, trend (statistics), truck traffic
Type:Research Report


This report the response to the North Dakota Legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway inventory and condition data available. Agricultural and oil-related traffic are modeled in detail at the subcounty level. Oil-related traffic is predicted for individual spacing units, whereas agricultural production is estimated at the township level.

View supplemental information from the 2015-2017 North Dakota legislative study

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