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2006 Meeting Minutes

Truck and Bus Safety Research Committee - ANB70
TRB Annual Meeting, Jan. 23, 2006

Members Present: 18
TRB Staff and Officers: 2
Friends of Committee: 36

At 1:30 pm, the meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Knipling, who led introductions. Current committee member and friend lists were distributed for attendees to indicate their presence and update contact info. These lists will be distributed along with the meeting minutes.

Rick Pain of TRB presented Ron a TRB Certificate of Appreciation for Chairing ANB70 for the past 3 years. Rick announced that on April 1, Joel Ticatch of PB Farradyne would become the new Chairman. Rick also reminded the group that, per TRB policy, 1/3 of the committee membership will turnover every three years and that 2006 is the year for this rotation. There is an opportunity to nominate replacement members, international members (there are current vacancies in the four allocated international memberships), and young members (under 30).

Ron Knipling thanked TRB and committee members and friends for the opportunity to chair the committee, and recognized George Reagle and Mike Finkelstein who were instrumental in the vision and creation of ANB70.

There were brief discussions of the TRB Critical Issues Document, Strategic Planning for TRB Technical Activities (e.g., committees), and the Transportation Information Needs Initiative required by SAFETEA-LU. Among the information needs discussed was mileage exposure data for various commercial vehicle and roadway types. John Siebert also discussed the "Form M" and carrier information needs. The TRB website (trb.org) contains additional information on the information needs initiative and opportunities for participation and input. There was also a brief discussion of the Future Strategic Highway Research Program (a new federally funded $51M TRB program) and whether the safety part of the program will include research on commercial vehicles.

Other Announcements

A new, weather-related TRB task force (possible precursor to committee) has been formed. If interested, contact Dr. Wilf Nixon, (wilfrid-nixon@uiowa.edu).

NORA Symposium, Research Makes a Difference, Apr. 18-20, Washington, DC. Sponsored by NIOSH and the National Safety Council. Go to www.cdc.gov/niosh/NORA/symp06/ for more information.

SAE International Commercial Vehicle Congress, Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2006, Chicago, IL. The Call for Papers is open now; please go to www.sae.org/events/cve/cfp.htm for more information.

Liaison to Other Committees and Organizations

Mike Belzer provided an update on the Trucking Industry Task Force (ATO60T). The group is applying for committee status at this time, and invited participation. Per previous discussions within the ANB70 membership, ANB70 has endorsed committee status for ATO60T and a letter of endorsement has been submitted to TRB. Mike also expressed the task force's desire to have maximum synergy with ANB70.

It was also mentioned that other TRB committees having an interface with ANB70 include the Size and Weight Committee. Ron Knipling suggested that S&W issues relevant to safety be discussed at the next ANB70 meeting.

Annual Paper Review Committee

Ron Knipling thanked the many members and friends who served as paper reviewers, and especially for detailed comments that help authors to improve their work. If you are requested to review a paper but cannot (either because you don't have time or do not feel qualified), please notify the committee chair promptly so that another reviewer can be recruited. Ten papers were submitted to ANB70. Three papers were selected for publication and presentation, and two additional ones for presentation only. These acceptance percentages are consistent with TRB guidelines.

ANB70 Website

Brenda Lantz reminded the groups that the website (www.ugpti.org/trb/truckandbus/) is still up and running. Minutes from the last meeting are currently on the site. These minutes and updated committee member and friends lists will be on the site. Contact the committee chair if you wish to submit other material for the website.

Carrier Self-Evaluation Subcommittee

Gene Bergoffen provided an update on the subcommittee, which develops formal certification processes and voluntary programs for self-assessment. There is now a CTBSSP synthesis study on Carrier Self Evaluation that involves a literature review and identification of best practices.

Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program

Chris Jenks briefly described this FMCSA sponsored Program. Thus far, 9 Syntheses have been published, and can be found on the TRB website. During 2005, 5 were published. Among these were 2 motor carriers, a safety belt initiative, and health and fatigue (HOS). The Technology Utilization Synthesis has been cancelled. If anyone has suggestions for a Synthesis topic, see the TRB website and/or contact Chris Jenks (cjenks@nas.edu).

Ron Knipling asked for volunteers for the CMV Driver Training Subcommittee, and the Health and Wellness Subcommittee. Those interested were noted. In subsequent discussions John Brock has agreed to chair the training subcommittee and Lee Husting the H&W subcommittee. Both plan panel sessions at next year's annual meeting addressing these topics.

ANB70 Circular

Copies of the draft circular were distributed. Not everyone received hard copies and so there was a subsequent e-mail from Joanice Cole of TRB distributing pdfs. Anne McCartt distributed Chapter 3 (Enforcement) separately and has asked FMCSA to review the chapter. If you have comments on the chapters, please provide them directly to the chapter authors as soon as possible. The document will go into final editing and preparation for publication by TRB in March.

Presentations to ANB70

  • Barry Moore, Australia National Transport Commission, Heavy Vehicle Compliance & CMV Driver Fatigue Management
  • Roger Clarke, Alberta Transportation, North American Cargo Assessment/Driver Training apprenticeship program
  • Kate Siggerud, GAO, Three GAO Studies of FMCSA Programs
  • John Brock, Anteon, New Commercial Driver License (CDL) Test
  • Tsippy Lotan, OR YAROK, Behavior Change with On-Board Safety Monitoring and Feedback
  • Jim Misener, Univ. of CA PATH Program, FMCSA On-Board Safety Monitoring Program

Meeting Adjourned

Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board
Committee on Truck and Bus Safety (ACS60)

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