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Transportation Glossary
Term Description

Chargeable Accident

Accident where the driver of a transit vehicle was found to be at fault. A chargeable accident can vary based on the reason for tracking the information. For example, if a transit agency wants to track driver accidents for disciplinary purposes, the agency's policy and procedure manual would define what a "chargeable accident" is for an employee's driving record (i.e., an accident which results in damage to vehicles, property or personal injury that could have been prevented if the driver had followed safety procedures as identified in the policy and procedure manual.) A chargeable accident could also be based on a set dollar amount of damage (i.e., any occurrence involving an agency vehicle that results in death, injury, illness, or total property/vehicle damage of $1,000 or more.)

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050