SMARTSe Hyperspectral Imaging and Remote Sensing of Transportation InfrastructureRegular performance and condition assessment of the transportation system's complex interacting network of multimodal systems is expensive. Hyperspectral imaging is an emerging remote sensing technique for the non-destructive evaluation this infrastructure. Data from hyperspectral scenes will provide new opportunities for informed decision-making. UGPTI is developing a theoretical framework for using these images for applications in transportation asset management, network performance evaluation, and risk assessments.
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Relevant References- Aalderink, B.J., Klein, M.E., Padoan, R., Bruin, G.D., Steemers, T.A.G.
The Book and Paper Group Annual, 38th American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI - Abid, M.E.; Austin, T.; Fox, D.; Hussain, S.S.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Ahlborn, T.M., Shuchman, R.A., Lawrence, L.S., Harris, D.K., Brooks, C.N., Burns, J.W.
Michigan Technological University, Center for Automotive Research, Michigan Department of Transportation - Aitken, J.
PECORA 15 Workshop 7: Airborne Remote Sensing - A Fast-Track Approach to NEPA Streamlining for Transportation (ITRES Research Ltd.) - Andreoli, G., Bulgarelli, B., Hosgood, B., Tarchi, D.
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Aristeidis, K., Vasiliki, K.
Journal of Forestry Research - Ball, M.
Spatial Sustain Blog - Barfuss, S., Fazio, M., Lindsey, R.
AASHTO Standing Committee on Research, Problem Statement - Bhaskaran, S., Datt, B.
Proceedings of the 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing - Blaschke, T., Hay, G.J., Weng, Q., Resch, B.
Remote Sensing (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute: Basel, Switzerland) - Boggs, T., Gomez, R.B.
Proc. SPIE Geo-Spatial Image and Data Exploitation II - Bowen, B., Vlasek, K., Webb, C.
The 2004 Annual Forum of the Transportation Research Forum, Evanston, IL - Brecher, A., Noronha, V., Herold, M.
The Volpe Center, U.S. Department of Transportation - Bronzini, M., Gomez, R., Choudhary, A.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Brooks, C., Roussi, C.
Michigan Technological University, Transportation Institute - Brooks, C.N., Colling, T., Roussi, C., Singh, C., Dean, D., Dobson, R., Watkins, M.K.
MichiganTech Research Institute, http://www.mtri.org/unpaved/ - Buzzi, J., Riaza, A., García-Meléndez, E., Weide, S., Bachmann, M.
Minerals - Center for Spatial Studies
Center for Spatial Studies, U. of CA, Santa Barbara - Chang, C-I
IEEE - Chant, I.
IEEE Spectrum Magazine - Cheves, M.
The American Surveyor - Chong, N.
Middle Tennessee State University - Chong, N.
Middle Tennessee State University (CHEM6230 Class Material) - Chong, N.
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ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information - Clark, R.N.
John Wiley and Sons, NY (A..N. Rencz, ed.) - Clark, R.N.; Swayze, G.A.; Leifer, I.; Livo, K.E; Kokaly, R.; Hoefen, T.; Lundeen, S.; Eastwood, M.; Green, R.O.; Pearson, N.; Sarture, C.; McCubbin, I.; Roberts, D., Bradley, E.; Steele, D.; Ryan, T.; Dominguez, R.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Open-File Report 2010-1167 (Reston, Virginia) - Cloutis, E.A
Science (American Society for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C.) - Cloutis, E.A.
International Journal of Remote Sensing (Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, U.K.) - Cocks, T., Jenssen R., Stewart, A., Wilson, I., Shields, T.
CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology (1st EARSEL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Zurich) - Cocks, T., Jenssen R., Stewart, A., Wilson, I., Shields, T.
CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology (1st EARSEL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Zurich) - Coifman, B, McCord, M., Mishalani, M., Redmill, K.
83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board - Colomina, I., Molina, P.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Cova, T.J., Conger, S.
In: Handbook of Transportation Engineering (M. Kutz, ed.), McGraw Hill, NY - Dai, J.
University of Haifa, Dept. of CS, Seminars - Damm, A., Hostert, P., Schiefer, S.
Joint Symposia of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Urban Remote Sensing - Delair-Tech
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Proceedings of the XXXVII International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Conference, Beijing - Digital Globe
Digital Globe, White Paper - Digital Globe
Digital Globe, White Paper - Digital Globe
Digital Globe, Case Study - DOD
Department of Defense - Dor, E.B., Malthus, T., Plaza, A., Schläpfer, D.
In: Airborne Measurements for Environmental Research: Methods and Instruments (Wendisch, M.; Brenguier, J.); Wiley (Hoboken, NJ) - Emery, W.
University of Colorado at Boulder and DigitalGlobe, AeroSpace Ventures Day - Emery, W.
University of Colorado at Boulder and DigitalGlobe, Advisory Committee Meeting - Emery, W.
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University of Colorado at Boulder and DigitalGlobe, Advisory Committee Meeting - Emery, W., Longbotham, N., Yerasi, A., Kumar, A.
University of Colorado at Boulder and DigitalGlobe, AeroSpace Ventures Day, Poster - Exelis, Inc
Exelis Inc. - Farag
GEENS - Fernando, M., Luis, C.G., Manuel, R.C.
IEEE Latin America Transactions - Fields, D.E., O'Conner, J.S.
TRB, High-Speed Rail IDEA Program - Folkman, Mark A.; Pearlman, Jay; Liao, Lushalan; Jarecke, Peter J.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) - Fung, K.B., Fraser, D.W., Gauthier, R.P.
Twelfth Annual Symposium on Geographic Information Systems, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Gardner, V.
University of Maryland (2007 AIAA Region 1 Mid-Atlantic Student Conference, National Institute of Aerospace), Langley VA - Glasser (Gläßer), C., Groth, D., Frauendorf, J.
International Journal of Coal Geology - Goetz, A.F.H.
Remote Sensing of Environment (NDSU Lib) - Gomez, R. B.
Optical Engineering - Gomez, R. B., Lewis, A.J.
ISPRS Special Session Future Intelligent Earth Observing Satellites (FIEOS’02) (Denver, Colo, USA, 2002), George Mason University - Gomez, R.B.
5th Joint Conference on Stanfoff Detection for Chemical and Biological Defense, Williamsburg, Virginia - Gomez, R.B., Jazaeri, A., Kafatos, M.
Proc. SPIE Geo-Spatial Image and Data Exploitation II - Grabowski, R., Surian, N., Gurnell, A.M.
WIREs Water - Gu, Y.
USDOT UTC & West Virginia Department of highway - Harman, L.J., Sharma, U., Dand, K., Kidwell, B.
Proceedings of the Integrating Remote Sensing at the Global, Regional, and Local Scale, Pecora 15/Land Satellite Information IV Conference, Denver, Colorado - Headwall Photonics, Inc.
Headwall Photonics - Hecker, C.
Summer course : Thermal Hyperspectral Imaging, Belvaux, Luxembourg - Heiden, U., Segl, K., Rossner, S. & Kaufmann, H.
In: Zagajewski, B., and Sobezak, M., (Eds.), Imaging Spectroscopy: New quality in Environmental Studies - Heiden, U., Segl, K., Rossner, S., Kaufmann, H.
Remote Sensing of Environment (Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia PA) - Herold, M.
NCRST, University of California, Santa Barbara - Herold, M., Roberts, D.
Applied Optics - Herold, M., Roberts, D., Noronha, V., Smadi, O.
Transportation Research Part C (Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia PA) - Herold, M., Roberts, D., Smadi, O., Noronha, V.
Proceedings of the 2004 AVIRIS Workshop, Pasadena, CA - Herold, M.; Gardner, M. E.; Noronha, V.; Roberts, D. A.
Online Journal of Space Communications (Society for Satellite Professionals International, NY) - Herold, M.; Roberts, D.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Remote sensing of urban Areas - Homayouni, S.; Roux, M.
ISPRS Congress Proceedings - Hugenschmidt, J.E.
EMPA - Jengo, C.M., Huges, D., LaVeigne, J.D., Curtis, I.
ASPRS Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD - Jensen, A.M., Chen, Y.Q., McKee, M., Hardy, T., Barfuss, S.L.
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS - Jex, C., Claridge, E., Baker, A., Smith, C.
Journal of the International Union for Quaternary Research - Karkush, M.O., Ziboon, A.R.T., Hussien, H.M.
Journal of Engineering - King, R. L., O'Hara, Charles, G.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - King, R. L., O'Hara, Charles, G.
Proceedings of the IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - Kramer, H.J.
In "Observation of the Earth and its Environment - Survey of Missions and Sensors" (Springer Verlag, 4th Ed.) - Kruse, Fred A.
Proceedings 11th JPL Airborne Geoscience Workshop (NASA, JPL: Pasadena, CA) - Landgrebe, D.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, NY) - Landgrebe, D.
Proc. SPIE 3603, Systems and Technologies for Clinical Diagnostics and Drug Discovery II, (SPIE Photonics West, San Jose CA, 1/23/1999) - Lee, J.N., Simi, C.G.
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TRW Space and Electronics Group - Liu, J., Yang, S., Wiltshire, J.
Proceedings of the 2013 World Engironmental and Water Resources Congress - Liu, W.
Dissertation Abstracts International (PhD) - Lopinto, E., Ananasso, C.
33rd EARSeL Symposium - Lynch, Kevin; Hill, Sam
Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference - Mah, S., Aitken, J. Schukman, K., O'Hara, C.
PECORA 15 Workshop 7: Airborne Remote Sensing - A Fast-Track Approach to NEPA Streamlining for Transportation (ITRES Research Ltd.) - McCormack, E.
ITE Journal - Mei, A., Salvatori, R., Fiore, N., Allegrini, A., D'Andrea, A.
Remote Sensing - Michigan Research Institute
Transportation Builder - Mohammadi, M.
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - Muslimov, É.R.
Journal of Optical Technology - NASA Tech Briefs
North Central Texas Regional General Aviation and Heliport System Plan - Noomen, M. F., K. L. Smith, J. J. Colls, M. D. Steven, A. K. Skidmore, and F. D. Van Der Meer
International Journal of Remote Sensing - Noronha, V., Herold, M., Roberts, D., Gardner, M.
Proceedings of the Pecora Conference, Denver, CO (American Society Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland) - Olla, P.
Springer Science & Business Media - Pascucci, S., Palombo, A., Bassani, C., Cavalli, R.M., Santini, F., Pignatti, S.
Geophysical Research Abstracts - Pearlman, J. et. al.
IEEE Aerospace Conference - Pearlman, J.; Carman, S.; Segal, C.; Jarecke, P.; Barry, P.; Browne, W.
National Air and Space Administration (NASA) - Pearlman, J.; Crawford, M.
Lecture - Pearlman, J.; Segal, C.
Lecture - Penn, B.S.
NEON, Boulder, Colorado - Penn, B.S.
Integrating Remote Sensing at the Global, Regional and Local Scale. Pecora 15/Land Satellite Information IV Conference, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Prieto-Blanco, X., Montero-Orille, C., Couce, B., de la Fuente, R.
Optics Express - Proto, M., Bavusi, M., Bernini, R., Bigagli, L., Marie, B., Bourquin, F., Cottineau, L., Cuomo, V., Vecchia, P.D., Dolce, M., Dumoulin, J., Eppelbaum, L., Fornaro, G., Gustafsson, M., Hugenschmidt, J., Kaspersen, P., Kim, H., Lapenna, V., Leggio, M., Loperte, A. Mazzetti, P., Moroni, C., Nativi, S., Nordebo, S., Pacini, F., Palombo, A., Pascucci, S., Perrone, A., Pignatti, S., Ponzo, F.C., Rizzo, E., Soldovieri, F., Taillade, F.
Sensors - Puri, A.
University of South Florida, Internal Report - Rafert, Bruce J.
Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Conference (University of Strathclyde: Glasgow) - Rafert, J.B., Otten, L.J., Butler, E.W., Meigs, A.D.
Laser Focus World - Rafert, J.B., Rusk, E.T.
Florida Institute of Technology, Technical Report for ONR/DARPA - Rani, S.
International Journal of Advanced Research - Repaka, S.R., O'Hara, C.G., Truax, D.D.
NCRST, Mississippi State, Integrating Remote Sensing at the Global, Regional and Local Scale (Pecora 15/Land Satellite Information IV Conference), Denver, CO - Resende, M., R., Bernucci, L. L. B., Quintanilha, J. A.
Journal of Transport Literature - Roper, W.E., Dutta, S.
George Mason University, ESRI User Conference Proceedings, San Diego - Roussi, C., Brooks, C.
Michigan Technological University, Transportation Institute - Salem, F., Kafatos, M.
Center for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Singapore, 2001 - Scheffler, D., Karrasch, P.
J. Appl. Remote Sens. - Schmokel, P.
TRB, Highway IDEA Program - Segl, K., Heiden, U., Mueller, M., Kaufmann, H.
Third EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy,Herrsching - Shafri, Helmi ZM, Affendi Suhaili, and Shattri Mansor
Journal of Computer Science - Shippert, P.
Research Systems, Inc. - Smejkalová, E., Bujok, P.
GeoScience Engineering - Smith, R.B.
MicroImages, Inc. - Sohn, Y; Rebello, N.S.
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (American Society Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, Bethesda, Maryland) - Stefano, P., Angelo, P. ; Simone, P. ; Filomena, R. ; Federico, S. ; Tiziana, S. ; Umberto, A. ; Vincenzo, C. ; Acito, N. ; Marco, D. ; Stefania, M. ; Giovanni, C. ; Raffaele, C. ; Roberto, D.B. ; Giovanni, L. ; Cristina, A.
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - Sugumaran, R., Gerjevic, J., Voss, Matthew
In: Remote Sensing of Impervious Surfaces (Weng, Q., ed., Taylor & Francis) - Sugumaran, R., Salim, M., Strauss, T., Fulcher, C.
Midwest Transportation Consortium (Iowa State) for the USDOT Research and Special Programs Administration - Tack, N., Lambrechts, A., Soussan, P., Haspeslagh, L.
Proc. SPIE 8266, Silicon Photonics VII - Tong, Q., Xue, Y., Zhang, L.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing - Transportation Research Board
Transportation Research Board - TRB
NCHRP of the TRB - Tseng, Y.H.
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XIXth Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - USDOD
U.S. Department of Defense - Van der Meer, F.D., Van der Werff, H.M.A., Van Ruitenbeek, F.J.A., Hecker, C.A., Bakker, W.H., Noomen, M.F., Van Der Meijde, M., Carranza, J.M., De Smeth, J.B., Woldai, T.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia PA) - Volpe Center
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, USDOT (Technical Report DOT-VNTSC-DoD-13-01) - Wargo, C.A., Church, G.C., Glaneueski, J., Strout, M.
IEEE Aerospace Conference - Warren, C.P., Even, D., Pfister, W., Nakanishi, K., Velasco, A., Breitwieser D., Yee, S., Naungayan, J.
Optical Engineering - Warren, Mark A., Benjamin H. Taylor, Michael G. Grant, and Jamie D. Shutler
Computers & Geosciences - Warren, S., Puestow, T., Richard, M., Jefferies, B.
LookNorth Center of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (St. John’s, NL) - Werff, H., Meijde, M., Jansma, F., Meer, F., Groothuis, G.J.
Sensors - Western Research Institute
USDOT RITA & Western Research Institute - Wood, I.
Electricore, Inc. (PHMSA Contract DTPH56-05-T-004) - Wood, I.
Electricore, Inc. (PHMSA Contract DTPH56-05-T-004) - Wu, T., Zhang, L., Cen, Y., Wang, J., Tong, Q.
Proc. SPIE 9104, Spectral Imaging Sensor Technologies: Innovation Driving Advanced Application Capabilities - Yan, Y., Huang, L.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization - Yarbrough, S., Caudill, T., Kouba, M.E., Osweiler, V., Arnold, J., Quarles, R., Russel, J., Otten, J.L., Jones, B.A., Edwards, A., Lane, J., Meigs, A., Lockwood, R., Armstrong, P.
Air Force Research Laboratory, Proc. Imaging Spectrometry VII, Michael R. Descour and Sylvia S. Shen, eds., Proc. SPIE - Yerasi, A., Emery, W.
University of Colorado at Boulder, Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department - Yerasi, A., Emery, W.
University of Colorado at Boulder and DigitalGlobe, TRB 2014 Presentation - Zhang, C.
South Dakota State University (Brookings SD); Research in Progress, RITA CRS - Zhang, L., Huang, C., Wu, T., Zhang, F., Tong, Q.
Sensors - Zhang, Y., Guindon, B., Lantz, N., Shipman, T., Chao, D., Raymond, D.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation