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Traffic Safety Evaluations

Traffic Safety Evaluations (TSE) generally take a proactive approach to addressing safety concerns, and can be done at any stage of a project from planning and design to existing facilities. The purpose of conducting a TSE is to account for all roadway users in identifying potential safety issues and opportunities for safety improvements. Local road managers, law enforcement, elected officials, and users are all invited to work with NDSU staff experienced in TSEs. As candidate sites and corridors are visited, the group looks first to low-cost improvements that can be implemented to improve safety in the short-term. Suggestions for more extensive engineering improvements may also be generated for consideration in longer-term planning and budgeting processes.

Additional Information

If you are interested in having a TSE conducted or would like to learn more about these activities, please contact Denise Brown at denise.brown.1@ndsu.edu or (701)224-3810.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050