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The Oakes to Moffit branch line (the Wishek Line) has been analyzed using North Dakota's rail-line Benefit-cost model which has been employed in previous studies. The methodology has been reviewed and accepted by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). It was updated in 1992 so that the analysis period...

The Oakes to Independence line segment (the Independence Line) has been analyzed using North Dakota's rail-line benefit-cost model which has been employed in previous studies. The methodology has been reviewed and accepted by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). It was updated in 1992 so that the...

This manual briefly describes the features of the prototype knowledge-base decision support system developed specifically for the Utah State Police Academy and termed POSAT (Police Officer Standards and Training). It explains how to install the program on your computer system, and how to start and quit...

The principle objective of this report is to describe a methodology for the development of user interfaces that is appropriate for existing engineering software. This methodology is appropriate for applications that are specialized and may not command the market required for extensive broad based commercial...

The objective of this study was to enhance the value of data received by maintenance foremen for making decisions regarding winter highway maintenance. A microcomputer-based Decision Support System (DSS) was developed to facilitate the acquisition and interpretation of information from weather advisory...

The focal point of this paper is to provide a research and service plan that will benefit North Dakota's rural elderly and handicapped residents. A description of trends impacting rural communities and a research agenda that will work with these trends are presented in this paper.

This project included two laboratory studies and analytical work dealing with T-beams comprised of a concrete flange connected to a wood beam plus plywood sheathing. Based on the experimental results of tests of 72 slip specimens and 4 full-scale layered T-beams, the mechanical behavior of different...

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) was created by Congress in 1887 under the Interstate Commerce Act. The primary responsibilities of the ICC were to control competition and stabilize rates for a then monopolistic rail industry. The ICC's responsibilities were later extended to motor carrier, barge...

A majority of North Dakota's communities are rural, and depend on an extensive transportation network for personal mobility and marketing their resource-based production. The purpose of this paper is to provide a plan for research and service that serves the transportation needs of North Dakota's rural...

The objective of this project is to provide local transportation officials with the information required to make sound decisions on the management of the bridges within their jurisdiction. Automated procedures were developed to prioritize the required maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement (MR&R)...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050