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This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota.

There has been controversy over the relative benefits of coordinating rural transit systems. Initially, it was expected that coordinated systems would experience lower costs and/or offer increased services. Some regional studies have indicated that coordinated systems do not experience decreased costs...

This study examines the impacts that railroad and trucking deregulation had on rail labor earnings and employment.

This study describes eight innovative financing methods (e.g., rural improvement districts) and 14 cost-reducing strategies (e.g., sharing equipment) that local governments in Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming currently are using. County road officials identified...

The purpose of this project is to provide state Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) personnel with a sufficient understanding of a performance-based system to begin implementing it in their state programs.

This paper explores the determination of commercial vehicle driver attitudes and the effect of these attitudes on driving performance, job satisfaction, and turnover. It was hypothesized that if a relationship is found, it may then be worthwhile to select applicants with the highest potential for good...

This paper estimates railroad and truck shipment costs for several major commodities and illustrates how public data and analytic tools can be used to analyze multimodal trade-offs and efficiencies.

In an effort to prevent pumping and reduce premature pavement failures due to infiltrated water, UDOT has contracted Utah State University (USU) to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity (k) of Utah's dense graded untreated base course material. The hydraulic conductivity describes the ease with which water...

The purpose of the present study addresses the need to determine the nature of the family and work environments (for drivers and their spouses/partners) and to determine ways to apply this information to programs of intervention and support useful to commercial vehicle companies.

Soils are an important component of any transportation structure. To improve the engineering properties of these soils, compaction requirements are included in virtually all transportation construction specifications. Field observations indicate however, that soils at near-freezing temperatures may require...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050