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This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota.

The utilization of recycled glass in highway applications has been occurring over the past couple of decades. In recent years, the discovery of several economic and environmental benefits could increase the use of recycled glass in highway construction, making the evaluation of the engineering properties...

Driver Drinking (Nov 2007, Issue Brief)

Driver drinking is a prominent traffic safety concern in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region (NRMR) states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The NRMR is unique because of the rural nature of its driving environments, characterized by weather extremes, wide-open spaces and areas with...

Because trucks are typically much heavier than other vehicles in the traffic stream, studies have shown that accidents are more severe when trucks are involved in collisions (Craft, 2001; NTSB, 2001). When a smaller vehicle rear-ends a large truck, the smaller vehicle is likely to ride underneath. Further...

This business plan includes an analysis of the current River Cities Public Transit services, organization, management, and vehicles and facilities. It also includes an analysis of the market for public transit in RCPT's eight-county region and how well RCPT serves that market. Finally, the plan includes...

This report presents the findings and recommendations of a study commissioned by the City of Brookings to identify gaps between residents' personal mobility needs and existing services and to recommend actions, including opportunities to improve coordination among area service providers. The study included...

Mobility for the aging is a topic of paramount importance around the world. Women may face the greatest mobility challenges because of their tendency to live longer than men, to have more health-related problems than men, and to stop driving earlier than men. Therefore, it is important to better understand...

In 2005, Congress enacted the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). This highway funding legislation created a new Section 5311c program, which provided funding for Indian tribes and the provision of public transit programs serving small urban...

The North Dakota legislature recently passed a law to exempt the state's agricultural truck fleet from a requirement for rear-guard equipment as federally mandated large trucks. This analysis presents the public safety benefit-cost assessment of the device in terms of crash injury severity associated...

A structural concept as an alternative to conventional bridge guardrail system for application in timber bridges was conceived in prior related research on an innovative timber bridge system. This paper presents the results of the subsequent study, which was conducted after making the improvements. The...

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