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Flexible Highway Barriers (May 2008, MPC-08-198)

Highway barriers exist in part to protect life and property from excessive danger as part of normal road usage. Typically, these barriers can be characterized as stiff and passive. In this study, we report on the potential use of highly flexible materials that maintain the effective resistance to load...

The competitive position of grain producers is continually influenced by the environment, agronomics, markets, and policy. The objective of this project is to provide an overview of the quality assurance (QA) programs commonly utilized by the grain and food industry. The information is a resource for...

Young Driver Licensing (May 2008, Issue Brief)

Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for North Dakotans between the ages of 1 and 44 (Centers for Disease Control, 2008). Traffic fatalities account for 44 percent of all deaths and 75 percent of unintentional injury deaths for this age group. Many states, however, have created a safer environment...

A wood-concrete composite bridge constructed of recycled utility poles is a potentially cost effective solution to repair a portion of the 108,647 rural bridges that have been deemed functionally obsolete or structurally deficient and have a span under thirty feet in length. This research project focuses...

Deer and vehicles collide in the United States more than 1.5 million times per year causing more than $1 billion in damages, killing approximately 150 people and at least 1.5 million deer (Curtis & Hedlund, 2005). The top 10 states for deer crashes in 2007 were West Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania...

Trucking Churn Industry (Mar 2008, MPC-08-193)

The trucking industry is dynamic, and has been growing along with the economy. Many companies have come and gone, but many have been in business for many years. An increasing number of motor carriers can indicate a healthy industry and economy. While an increasing total number of motor carriers may indicate...

In October 2005, the Federal Transit Administration and the Small Urban & Rural Transit Center at North Dakota State University held a meeting with several transit industry representatives launching a project to examine the state of small transit vehicles. The scope of this paper is primarily focused...

The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance, and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators.

For this study, eight full-size railroad bridge timber stringers were intentionally damaged by saw cuts, to mimic deterioration, after which they were strengthened through the process of shear spiking. The stringers were then durability loaded up to 25,000 cycles after which the majority of the sample...

This report details the results of a project aimed at determining how to legally establish a county road in Wyoming. This report covers the laws on this issue from territory days until the present. It consists of a survey, case law, statutory law, federal law, direction and a final desk reference. The...

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