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This research document represents the analysis and recommendations of the University of Utah Traffic Laboratory (UTL) on the following Road Weather Information System (RWIS) topics: (1) public dissemination of RWIS station information and (2) the area of influence of available RWIS equipment.

An economic engineering model was developed to estimate start-up and operating costs of an intermodal facility located on a short line railroad. The model developed in this study has many useful features. Costs can be estimated for different equipment configurations and sizes of facilities. Sensitivity...

The objective of this project is to produce a prototype CD-ROM containing the manual in an electronic format, which can be viewed directly from the CD. Specific objectives include: establish and meet with a technical advisory committee to receive direction and feedback; consolidate data from various...

The overall objective of this project is to develop a prototype virtual machine that fits on current ATMS controllers and provides functionality for complex traffic operations. The virtual machine will be developed and tested using the popular controller: the Matrix Model 2070 ATMS Controller. The controller...

This project was initiated to develop and select advanced computer programs to improve roadway hydraulic and hydrologic design tools available for use by UDOT engineers and consultants. The development and selection of such computer software that utilizes engineering analysis along with interactive graphics...

Six major railroads provided the Transportation Technology Center Inc. (TTCI) with defective rail that had been removed from service. The rail, which contained a variety of defects, was placed into a gauntlet track at the Transportation Technology Center (TTC). This paper is the assessment of those six...

This study was conducted to determine if efficiencies could be gained through the process of standardizing data storage mechanisms to permit diversity at the operating level while maintaining data compatibility for aggregation at higher levels in the organization. Transportation agencies use many computer...

This research considers the influence of different construction materials on the dynamic impact factor of bridges. The general concept of the dynamic impact factor and typical evaluation methods are reviewed.

Evaluation of Pavement Shoulders (May 1999, MPC-99-101)

In this study the researchers examined the effect of pavement shoulders on the safety and structural strength of highways in Wyoming. The costs of adding shoulders to various types of highways also was examined. The study consisted of selecting representative highway sections, collecting accident data...

The objective of this report is to provide guidance for townships that are considering reducing their road network. A methodology was developed to show a level of township roads that provides adequate service to its users while increasing township resources. The specific objectives in this study are...

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