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MPC Research Reports
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This research examines a range of incident detection technologies to determine a recommended combination of approaches for use in the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). The technologies that were examined are computer-based Automatic Incident Detection...

This report presents results of an investigation into the practice and legal issues of Road Safety Audits and Road Safety Audit Reviews (RSAs and RSARs). These safety analysis approaches focus on identifying safety issues of proposed projects (RSA) and existing roadways (RSAR). In the United States...

The objectives of this research were to determine if fly ash has an effect on the field performance of cement-treated bases, determine if cement-treated bases perform similarly to other base types, and develop pavement performance models for interstate and non-interstate roadways in the state of Wyoming.

This report contains a brief description of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and ITS technologies for Commercial Vehicle Operations (ITS/CVO). Second, it discusses previous literature regarding benefits of ITS/CVO for motor carriers, as well as managing the change due to technology. In addition...

This project developed a simple and cost-effective rural RSAR program. The RSAR program was developed to identify critical safety issues and to assess the level of auditor expertise needed. The specific issues of needed safety improvements and the urgency of implementing these improvements have been...

This study aims to evaluate the use of the Road Safety Audit Program, by a local rural road jurisdiction, to avoid tort liability while still improving the safety of its road system. The study will provide how the RSA might be accepted within the current legal framework and will provide guidelines for...

Inclement Weather Signal Timings (Jul 2000, MPC-01-120)

This study examines signal timing in inclement weather conditions. With the completion of the Utah DOT's Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), UDOT will have the capability to change signal timing plans from a central location by communicating with each controller through fiber optic technology....

Accident Data Availability (Jun 2000, MPC-01-118)

This project investigates alternate forms of dissemination for the accident information. Costs, capabilities, and compatibility are reviewed for integration of the accident database with a GIS format to allow a graphical and spatial interface. The issues being addressed by this research focus on information...

The present research suggests a new approach to the use of composite materials technology for repair of timber structural members. Due to the small aspect ratio of the typical railroad bridge span timbers, stiffness degradation can be related to decrease in the beam's shear performance. To rejuvenate...

Future customer demands, service availability, and industry investment decisions will shape the modal marketing decisions of the grain marketing sector. The Delphi survey technique is used to engage a cross-section of grain industry experts in sharing opinions regarding future trends for service, investment...

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