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This report responds to the North Dakota legislature's request for a study of the transportation infrastructure needs of all county and township roads in the state. In this report, infrastructure needs are estimated using the most current production forecasts, traffic estimates, and roadway condition...

The overall project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of shear spiking (technique already developed through a previous project). Many timber railroad bridges are deficient but it is too costly to replace them; hence, inexpensive repair techniques are needed. The proposed project will provide the necessary...

The Federal Transit Administration and its partners have worked to build a transportation coordination infrastructure to improve community mobility. Recent efforts at coordinating human services transportation have focused on mobility management, emphasizing the needs of customers and using the assets...

The sharp increase in travel volumes, shift in traffic mix, and large increases in crashes have transformed the travel environment in the oil region of western North Dakota. Roads once used for local access and agricultural purposes now mostly serve expanding oil production. Oil companies, workers, commercial...

To date, BIM (Building Information Modeling) is not widely utilized in infrastructure asset management. Benefits achieved through implementation in vertical construction, however, suggest that BIM represents significant opportunity for gains in process, material, and economic efficiency throughout infrastructure...

With the understanding that seat belts are a relatively low-cost safety device, and are an easy primary protection for occupants in passenger vehicles, North Dakota has chosen to continue to measure rural roads seat belt use. The U.S. Department of Transportation works with states to measure seat belt...

Estimating drilling locations plays an important role in forecasting truck trips derived by hydraulic fracturing oil development for long-range transportation planning. Predicting drilling locations among more than 7,000 oil drilling lands shows a random pattern with uncertainty. Twenty-year multi-period...

Shipping grain in containers has been increasingly used as a shipment option by U.S. exporters. Continued evolution and investment in this relatively young industry may open additional opportunities for the grain industry. Grain shipping by container faces challenges in optimizing multimodal operations...

The Rural Transit Fact Book provides information on transit service availability and cost to help the transit industry in the United States provide efficient and effective service to meet rural community mobility needs. Financial and operating statistics can be used by agency managers, local decision...

This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative benefits of small urban and rural public transit systems in the United States. First, a thorough review of previous literature is presented. Then, a framework is developed which focuses on three main areas of transit benefits most relevant to rural...

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050