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Innovative lane management offers the opportunity to levy fees for the premium road space. Express Lanes in Utah offer road users reduced journey times for a fee. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has converted the High Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes on Interstate 15 (I-15) from 600 North Street...

Untreated native soil with high swell potential has been identified by the Colorado Department of Transportation as one of the major contributing factors in the development of premature longitudinal cracking and other pavement distresses in Colorado (Ardani et al. 2003). Unique regional factors such...

The impetus of this research is to meet the growing need for accurate and practical methods to support traffic analysis in work zones. This research examines the application of two classes of traffic analysis models, macroscopic sketch analysis and microscopic traffic simulation, to work zones. The research...

Serviceability Limits and Economical Steel Bridge Design (Dec 2008, Interim Report, MPC-08-206)

High Performance Steel (HPS) is a superior material with higher yield strength, improved weldability, greater levels of toughness, and improved weathering resistance that can lead to more economical bridges than conventional steel bridge designs. AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) provisions...

An integrated mobile testing study that utilized a large truck equipped with various testing equipment was conducted on Interstate I-70 in Colorado. The field study integrated wind measurement, vehicle dynamic monitoring and geospatial multimedia technology on a real-time and synchronized basis. Essential...

Recent design requirements for traffic signal and sign structures incorporated fatigue load criteria related to wind that are producing significant increases in size and cost. The Fourth Edition of the AASHTO Luminaire and Traffic Signal Specification (2002 with interims) specification is a significant...

This research study examined the effectiveness of the fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) spikes in repairing naturally damaged and deteriorated railroad bridge chords. Past research has shown that this process can be quite effective in improving the effective stiffness of railroad chord members that were...

This research provides some demographic and geographic information, but does not address highway capacity needs, right of way needs, restricted speed policy, processes for determining future access, evaluation of current access right of way needs for future frontage roads, and bypass opportunities in...

This study provides an overview of alternative fuel use and potential in the Mountain Plains Region (MPR) as well as a benefit/cost analysis of switching from traditional to alternative fuels (such as ethanol and biodiesel) for a specific university in the region. The study analyzes users that would...

Traffic safety is a widespread social concern. Tackling the problem requires understanding the people who are driving. This includes information about driver behavior, but also about perceptions these drivers hold regarding their driving. North Dakota crash data points at a specific group of drivers...

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