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The use of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) for the manufacture of precast structural elements provides the benefits of increased rate of production, reduced labor needs (safety), and enhanced product quality. The same benefits apply to cast-in-place construction, especially with closely spaced reinforcing...

In an attempt to predict these crashes, North Dakota driver licensing data and crash data were used to develop a sample of 20,392 teen drivers age 14 to 17. Within the first year after being licensed, these drivers sustained 317 crashes that resulted in an injury or death. The resulting logistic regression...

North Dakota consistently experiences a relatively high level of crashes and injuries on rural roads, considering lane miles and vehicle miles traveled. Approximately 55% of the state's travel, in vehicle-miles, takes place on rural roads. North Dakota fatal crash reports from 2003 to 2007 show that...

Given the sparsely distributed crashes across various highway systems, this study designed an empirical Bayes (EB) based sliding window technique within a spatial context. By examining roadway safety spatially, the safety analysts are able to account for high-risk locations completely within longer predefined...

This report documents the research underway at the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) that will contribute to the development of the user cost manual. This study evaluates the impact of various work zone scenarios caused by roadway rehabilitation projects in Utah. The results for different scenarios are tabulated...

The goal of this study is to evaluate light rail priority strategies along the 400 S / 500 S corridor in Salt Lake County through analyzing benefits and impacts of the priority on transit and vehicular traffic through microsimulation. The results show that the existing priority strategies have no impacts...

This study evaluates the impact of proposed replacement on the travelers in Summit County. The purpose of this research is to provide UDOT an estimation of possible delay costs due to congested traffic resulting from the proposed work zone scenarios. The VISSIM micro-simulation tool is used to build...

This paper is a summary of work performed by the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) to develop training programs for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Traffic Operations Center (TOC) operators at both the basic and advanced levels. The basic training is designed to train operators in the basic knowledge...

Traveler Information Systems, a part of the larger field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), were originally utilized in urban areas to reduce congestion. Traveler information has become increasingly important in rural areas, especially in areas with adverse weather conditions such as Wyoming....

As more Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) becomes available to use in roadways, The Wyoming T2/LTAP Center and two Wyoming Counties investigated the use of RAP in gravel roads. The Wyoming DOT and the Mountain-Plains Consortium funded this study. The investigation explored the use RAP as a means of dust...

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