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Redundancy is vital for transportation networks to provide utility to users during disastrous events. In this project, we develop two network-based measures for systematically characterizing the redundancy of transportation networks: travel alternative diversity and network spare capacity. The travel...

This report presents a two-phase research program studying i) galvanic current influencing deterioration of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets bonded to a steel substrate and ii) electrochemical reaction for steel beams strengthened with CFRP. The first phase of the research presents an experimental...

Transportation systems generate certain health-promoting benefits such as access to social, economic, and cultural resources, but they also are a source of air pollution, noise, safety hazards, and barriers that diminish social cohesion in neighborhoods. Streets, in particular, are among the most important...

Previous field studies suggested that macro-fibers incorporated in thin overlay pavements will result in reduced crack opening widths, vertical deflections, and debonding rates compared to that of unreinforced overlays. A simple finite element (FE) model was developed and utilized in this study to investigate...

Connections between precast concrete elements must be able to withstand significant stresses and deformations in earthquakes. The grouted splice sleeve (GSS) connector is being considered for connecting footing, column, and cap beam elements in accelerated bridge construction (ABC). There are limited...

A study was conducted to investigate why people talk on a cell phone while driving and why they also support legislation to restrict this practice. Participants completed a survey about their driving attitudes, abilities, and behaviors, and performed the OSPAN task. They reported using cell phones for...

400 South Corridor Assessment (Mar 2017, MPC-17-318)

Local transportation agencies in the Salt Lake City (SLC) Metropolitan Area spent more than a decade working toward building a sustainable regional transportation system. Light Rail Transit (LRT) is an integral part of that system. Currently, three LRT lines operate along the Wasatch Front area. A new...

Due to the recent oil boom, the Fort Berthold Reservation has experienced a dramatic increase in highway and local traffic. To support energy transportation and provide safe roads, the reservation needs cost-efficient and effective transportation planning for present and future needs. A quality road...

Multitasking may diminish the self-awareness of performance that is often essential for self-regulation and self-knowledge. Participants in an experiment drove on a simulator while talking or not talking on a cell phone. The errors they made while driving were recorded. Following previous research, participants...

This report presents an initial investigation of the mechanics of I-beams developed with plastic-aluminum composite technology. Plastic-aluminum composites in structural beam/frame/truss elements are a relatively new concept that has seen little, if any, application in modern construction. This technology...

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