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The purpose of this paper is to analyze shifts in regional HRS wheat marketing patterns that coincided with the terms of three railroad contracts. Specifics on the contracts are not available because of confidentiality, but factors such as origin (region), term and destination are available.

This directory was published with two goals in mind. First, it serves as a list to shippers in identifying interstate grain haulers. And second, it publicizes firms that operate in the grain trucking industry.

This review of literature on intrastate motor carrier regulatory reform has revealed two basic findings. First, in states where intrastate deregulation has taken place rates have generally declined or have remained constant, and quality of service has not eroded. And second, shippers and receivers generally...

This paper highlights some of the principal uses of rail cost data in transportation management and analysis, and describes a computer costing algorithm which can assist transportation managers, shippers, and policy analysts in the estimation of railroad service costs.

This report will address the problem of subterminal-impacted roads by examining the Regent-Gladstone road situation in southwestern North Dakota. The report will detail relevant issues and concerns which must be addressed, which affected parties are in the subterminal-impacted road issue, and what the...

The main purpose of this paper is to explore alternative methods of positioning wheat produced in the state at export locations. Specific objectives are to: 1) identify potential routes and modes which would be utilized to position wheat produced in North Dakota for export; 2) develop and identify associated...

The general purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and use of farm trucks in the North Dakota grain industry. Specific objectives were to: 1) identify the characteristics of farm trucks moving North Dakota grain; 2) identify the costs of operation of farm trucks on different-sized farms...

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseed from North Dakota.

This report narrows the product focus to grain and emphasizes the role of rail transportation.

This report presents a brief overview of the USDA system with some fundamental concepts of program usage and specific documentation of the input requirements, and illustrates applications of the programming procedures.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050