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Railroad accidents can cause economic harm that extends far beyond their own financial losses. As one of the most efficient modes of long-distance freight transportation, losses in line capacity and cargo due to accidents can disrupt the supply chain and lead to commodity shortages everywhere. Therefore...

DUI Recidivism Fact Summary (Dec 2021, Issue Brief)

Driving under influence (DUI) convictions are also referred to as alcohol-related impaired driving violations. DUI recidivism rates presented in this fact sheet are based on DUI convictions within the previous 10 calendar years: 2012–2021. Recidivism rates are defined as the percent of recidivist drivers...

This research seeks to develop an infrastructure safety support system by embedding V2I enabled sensor networks into the transportation infrastructure to provide autonomous vehicles and human drivers with inputs to improve their decision making when obvious decisions may not possible. A new car-following...

This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grain from North Dakota. The collection and compilation of this type of data began in 1956-57. The objectives of this report, like prior reports, are to provide the necessary database for identifying...

Gravel road safety is a crucial area of road safety since gravel roads represent a substantial proportion of the entire nation's roadway network. Also, gravel roads pose inherent hazards that are otherwise absent in paved roads. Nonetheless, research related to assessing road conditions for county gravel...

The ultimate objective of this project was to determine the structural performance of the dynamic message sign (DMS) bonded with chemical adhesive in terms of ultimate strength and fatigue strength. To achieve this objective, this project first investigated the effects of various parameters (i.e., conditioning...

The rise of ridesourcing services such as Uber and Lyft in recent years has revolutionized urban transportation across the globe. With the increased popularity of these services came negative impacts on industries such as taxi cab and public transit services. In an era when ridesourcing companies are...

Tracks are a critical and expensive railroad asset, requiring frequent maintenance. Railroads companies often rely on the accurate localization and identification of the track anomalies that could cause serious damage to infrastructure, environment, and the traveling public. However, the deployed method...

The United States lags behind other developed countries in several transportation safety metrics. Progress has been made in reducing the number of traffic-related fatalities, but crashes resulting in death, injury, and property damage continue to take place due to preventable factors. Among states, North...

Academic literature has scant research on sidewalks, and some cities are lacking information to rectify an unprecedented backlog of deteriorating pedestrian infrastructure. A lack of data stymies efforts to understand sidewalks, how they may impact equity, and how cities can prioritize where to begin...

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