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As the market penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) increases, the surge of charging demand could potentially overload the power grid and disrupt infrastructure planning. Hence, an efficient deployment strategy of electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is much needed. This project attempted to address...

Maintaining sufficient charge during the duration of travel along with the time required to recharge the vehicle are major concerns for electric vehicle (EV) owners. This project focuses on in-motion, inductive power transfer (IPT) embedded in roadways to ensure charge duration and replace stationary...

This report describes methods that allow for assessing structural integrity using a direct porting of imaging methods captured by both hand-held and uncrewed aircraft system (UAS)-assisted photography into computational analysis tools to monitor structural degradation of transportation structures. Of...

A theoretical framework is developed for applying the material point method (MPM) to problems of modeling natural hazard effects on several representative geometries. Following an outline of the general methodology, in which the structural system is replaced by a combination of integrated Lagrangian...

Extreme wind conditions can be a formidable foe to both highway and driver safety. Strong gusts increase the likelihood of wind-induced vehicle crashes, especially for high-sided vehicles (i.e., semi-trucks) in the United States. Current understanding of wind loads on high-sided vehicles comes mostly...

This study proposes a new remote sensing technique to measure three-component (3C) dynamic displacement of three-dimensional (3D) structures. A sensing system with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform and contact-free sensors (e.g., optical and infrared (IR) cameras) was employed to provide a portable...

Reliable and accurate assessment and prediction of bridge condition deterioration is critical for effective bridge preservation. Deterioration models, combined with current condition information, can guide inspection, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation planning, and support risk and life-cycle analysis....

Train-pedestrian conflicts result in a substantial number of serious and fatal injuries annually. Signs indicating safe and permissible behaviors near railroad rights-of-way are commonly relied upon to mitigate collisions. However, the effectiveness of these signs in preventing accidents depends on the...

Fibers are used in an asphalt mix to improve its durability and resistance against distresses, such as rutting and cracking. Consequently, accurate rheological and performance characterization of asphalt binders and mixes containing fibers is of vital importance. With increased concerns over the environmental...

During area-wide episodes of poor air quality, people may reduce their transportation-related emissions by driving less, reducing their exposure to emissions by walking/bicycling less, or going about their lives as usual. These three reactions have different consequences for transportation, health, and...

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