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RTSSC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Going Beyond the Millennials: North Dakota Driver Ride Service Survey: Phase II: Non-Millennial Follow-Up Survey
Authors:Kimberly Vachal and Jaclyn Andersen
Publication Date:Oct 2020
Report #:DP-308
TRID #:01759826
Keywords:age groups, attitudes, behavior, public opinion, ridesourcing, rural areas, surveys
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


Photo Source: WikimediaThe rise of ride-sourcing services such as Uber and Lyft in recent years has revolutionized urban transportation across the globe. With the increased popularity of these services came negative impacts on industries such as taxi cab and public transit services. In an era when ride-sourcing companies are expanding rapidly in previously untouched markets, rural markets might soon face unexpected changes. North Dakota is highly rural with a median age of 35.2 years, with seniors making up nearly 20% of the adult population. Given this information, we anticipate the potential expansion of the ride-sourcing market in North Dakota. We intend to understand public perception of ride-sourcing services and identify key contributing factors and behavior patterns that may trigger the use of such services by those outside of the typical millennial, urban market. Moreover, we compare current results to those obtained from the previous year's survey to explore shifts in North Dakota's usage and perception of ride-sourcing services.

How to Cite

Vachal, Kimberly, and Jaclyn Andersen. Going Beyond the Millennials: North Dakota Driver Ride Service Survey: Phase II: Non-Millennial Follow-Up Survey, DP-308. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Forthcoming.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050