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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Rural Bicycle Design Guide for Wyoming
Authors:Nicole Peterson and Rhonda Young
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Oct 2019
Report #:MPC-19-393
Project #:MPC-473
TRID #:01722075
Keywords:bicycle facilities, design, guidelines, rural areas


The need for improved bicycle facilities in rural communities is becoming more apparent, but the standard national bicycle design guide is aimed at different types of communities than those found in rural areas. Rural communities differ from mid-size and large urban areas in that they typically have severe funding limitations, fewer engineers on staff, serve different populations, and their roadways have a different mix of vehicles. The objective of this report is to utilize current design guides to develop a resource focused on rural communities to aid in making design decisions about transportation facilities that address livability and provide for non-motorized modes.

How to Cite

Peterson, Nicole, and Rhonda Young. Rural Bicycle Design Guide for Wyoming, MPC-19-393. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2019.

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