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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Development of Performance Matrices for Evaluating Innovative Intersections and Interchanges
Authors:Milan Zlatkovic
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Jun 2019
Report #:MPC-19-391
Project #:MPC-465
TRID #:01713858
Keywords:access, alternatives analysis, diamond interchanges, highway design, highway operations, highway safety, interchanges and intersections, methodology, metrics (quantitative assessment), performance measurement


Innovative intersections and interchanges have proliferated in the State of Utah over the past several years. Continuous flow intersections and diverging diamond interchanges seem to offer improved traffic performance and safety due to their innovative designs. However, there are no clearly defined guidelines or methodologies for monitoring and measuring their performance. Yet, they have a broad impact on operations, safety, access, transit, land use, economic development, and pedestrian and non-motorized traffic. Due to these numerous and overlapping variables, there is a need to develop a standard methodology to further evaluate innovative designs with regards to different performance measures. The goal of this research is to develop a matrix of performance measures, which can be applied in practice to effectively evaluate innovative designs in terms of operations, safety, access, and multimodal accommodations. The study develops and tests an Excel-based tool for evaluation and comparison of different conventional and innovative designs. The tool is based on the existing methodologies and those currently being developed, and they provide analyses of these designs for different performance measures, such as operational, safety, transit and non-motorized user performance, access, and user costs. It can be used for planning, designing, and monitoring performance of innovative designs.

How to Cite

Zlatkovic, Milan. Development of Performance Matrices for Evaluating Innovative Intersections and Interchanges, MPC-19-391. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2019.

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