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RTSSC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Seat Belt Use on North Dakota Rural Roads, 2016
Authors:Kimberly Vachal and Laurel Benson
Publication Date:Sep 2016
Report #:DP-289
TRID #:01613854
Keywords:rural highways, safety, seat belts
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


North Dakota crash reports show that nearly 82% of fatal crashes occurred on non-interstate rural roads over the past five years. A total of 5,535 driver observations were collected at 143 sites across 24 rural counties. Seat belt use was found to be significantly different on rural highways and in rural towns. Highway seat belt use rose slightly from 67.2% in 2015 to 67.8% in 2016. Average observed highway use rates ranged from 55.5% to 82.0% on rural highways in individual counties and from 20.2% to 58.3% in rural towns between 2014 and 2016. The survey indicates a 19.5 percentage point increase in rural highway seat belt use compared to average use between 2009 and 2011. Seat belt use remains significantly higher in the eastern regions compared to the west.

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How to Cite

Vachal, Kimberly, and Laurel Benson. Seat Belt Use on North Dakota Rural Roads, 2016, DP-289. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2016.

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