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Report Details

Title:Alive at 25: Analysis for North Dakota Teen Drivers
Authors:Andrew Kubas and Kimberly Vachal
Publication Date:Jan 2016
Report #:SP-183
TRID #:01605689
Keywords:behavior, driver licenses, drunk driving, safety programs, teenage drivers, traffic safety
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


Novice drivers are a focus in traffic safety program efforts because of their relatively high crash risk. The National Safety Council Alive at 25 course has been used by several states to promote teen driver safety. In a sample of 6,640 class participants, drivers had fewer crashes, traffic-related citations, and DUI arrests within a six-month and twelve-month period of completing the class. This was especially true for those who had obtained a driver's license before taking the class. Logistic regression models identified some determinants of dangerous driver behavior after completing the program and also demonstrate some deterrent effects on particular driver groups. The findings offer support for continued work with the Alive at 25 workshop and need for expanded analysis of its impact on safety outcomes for novice drivers.

How to Cite

Kubas, Andrew, and Kimberly Vachal. Alive at 25: Analysis for North Dakota Teen Drivers, SP-183. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2016.

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