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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Risk of Alkali-Silica Reaction when Using Recycled Concrete Aggregate in New Concrete
Authors:Jennifer Tanner and Bryce Fiore
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Dec 2015
Report #:MPC-15-302
Project #:MPC-428
TRID #:01594129
Keywords:alkali silica reactions, concrete aggregates, recycled materials, sustainable development


Two interlaboratory studies were performed utilizing recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in accordance with ASTM C1260 Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (AMBT) in addition to the previous study documented in Adams et al. 2013. The first round of testing utilized a non-laboratory created RCA and the second evaluated two Wyoming concretes prepared with Black Rock and Knife River aggregates respectively. It was discovered that concrete made with RCA exhibits lower expansions due to ASR than the original concrete made with natural aggregates. Furthermore, RCA as it applies to ASTM C1260, has been observed to exceed the repeatability and reproducibility limits set by ASTM C1260. The authors suggest that the precision statement within ASTM C1260 be modified in order to include RCA and account for this increased variability. Precision statements for both studies were conducted utilizing a minimum of nine laboratories.

How to Cite

Tanner, Jennifer, and Bryce Fiore. Risk of Alkali-Silica Reaction when Using Recycled Concrete Aggregate in New Concrete, MPC-15-302. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2015.

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