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Report Details

Title:Northern Plains Grain Farm Truck Fleet & Marketing Patterns
Authors:Kimberly Vachal
Publication Date:Oct 2015
Report #:DP-284
TRID #:01579621
Keywords:commodity flow, farms, grain, surveys, vehicle fleets
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


A survey of farm operators in the Northern Plains Region of North Dakota, northern South Dakota, western Minnesota and eastern Montana was conducted to gather information about transportation of crops, the inventory and characteristics of the farmer-owned truck fleet and on-farm storage capacity. The objective of the study is to provide information about farm truck inventory and grain marketing patterns in the Northern Plains. There is no other source for this information and it should be unique and complementary to other farm-to-market information and national commodity flow publications. Farmers may use the results for their own investment and productivity assessments. Local and regional planners and policy makers can use the information in calibrating travel demand and freight flow models for investment and asset management choices.

How to Cite

Vachal, Kimberly. Northern Plains Grain Farm Truck Fleet & Marketing Patterns, DP-284. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2015.

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