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Report Details

Title:Quality Assurance of Emergency Management Operation Processes through Statistical Process Control
Authors:Lara Piesch and EunSu Lee
Publication Date:Aug 2015
Report #:DP-283
TRID #:01576094
Keywords:emergency preparedness, response time
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


Ambulance services continually strive for improvement of their emergency response operations to provide better service to the community. The difference of a couple minutes can be a crucial factor in the survival of a patient. Therefore, it is of great importance for ambulance services to have reliable and stable response times. The study applies three phases of statistical process control to assess the process and determine the current performance. By implementing an exploratory analysis, process behavior analysis, and predictive analysis patterns, trends and process stability are analyzed. The research showed a process with very high variability while having a stable low average response time. With a percentage of 9.96% of response time operations being above the limit of nine minutes established by the North Dakota Legislature, the process calls for further improvement. To this end, several factors and characteristics, which can be considered in future management decisions, were detected.

How to Cite

Piesch, Lara, and EunSu Lee. Quality Assurance of Emergency Management Operation Processes through Statistical Process Control, DP-283. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2015.

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