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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Railroading from the Ground Up: Legal Environment Assures Good Outlook for Entry Level Positions
Authors:Bill Thoms
Publication Date:May 2015
Report #:SP-179
TRID #:01567310
Keywords:deregulation, employment, labor law, labor unions, railroads
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


For more than a decade, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has cited "railroad operations" as one of the best-paying careers for high school graduates. The author suggests economic circumstances that have kept railroads profitable and a legal environment that favors predictability and limits conflict with unions has helped maintain attractive entry-level jobs in the industry.

How to Cite

Thoms, Bill. Railroading from the Ground Up: Legal Environment Assures Good Outlook for Entry Level Positions, SP-179. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2015.

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