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Report Details

Title:Rumble Strips in North Dakota: A Comparison of Road Segments, Safety, and Crash Patterns
Authors:Andrew Kubas, Poyraz Kayabas, Kimberly Vachal, and Mark Berwick
Publication Date:Feb 2013
Report #:DP-263
TRID #:01477159
Keywords:before and after studies, crash analysis, crash characteristics, crash rates, fatalities, highway safety, rumble strips
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


Rumble strips and rumble stripes are a recommended strategy for crash reduction. The North Dakota Department of Transportation initiated rumble strip use in the 1970s and greatly expanded application of rumble stripes through a statewide initiative in recent years. This study of four intervention and two control road segments shows positive results with regard to crash incidence in before and after comparisons. The crash rates comparison considers crash severity, vehicle type, roadway factors, crash type, and contributing factors.

How to Cite

Kubas, Andrew, Poyraz Kayabas, Kimberly Vachal, and Mark Berwick. Rumble Strips in North Dakota: A Comparison of Road Segments, Safety, and Crash Patterns, DP-263. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2013.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050