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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Low-Impact, High Toughness Transportation Barriers
Authors:Paul R. Heyliger, Doug Allen, Michael Lebsack, and Thomas Wilson
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Oct 2012
Report #:MPC-12-249
Project #:MPC-328, MPC-291
TRID #:01455834
Keywords:alternatives analysis, crash cushions, dynamic tests, energy absorption, escape lanes, highway safety, static tests
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Alternatives to existing transportation truck escape ramps and crash barriers are examined using arrays of wood, bamboo, and fiberglass structural elements that act as energy absorbers as they deform. The behaviors of each material type are analyzed to determine if they have the necessary potential for extensive use in such applications. Calculations based upon static and dynamic testing are made to predict the type of system required to bring vehicles to a stop. The findings are discussed and guidelines for future applications are suggested.

How to Cite

Heyliger, Paul R., Doug Allen, Michael Lebsack, and Thomas Wilson. Low-Impact, High Toughness Transportation Barriers, MPC-12-249. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2012.

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