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Report Details

Title:Utah Traffic Lab Driving Simulator: User Manual and Flex Lanes Scenario Development
Authors:Peter T. Martin, Milan Zlatkovic, and Ivana Tasic
University:University of Utah
Publication Date:Jul 2012
Report #:MPC-12-247
Project #:MPC-322
TRID #:01444829
Keywords:computer program documentation, driving simulators, microsimulation, reversible traffic lanes, traffic simulation
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This report describes the University of Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) driving simulator, and a scenario development for Flex Lanes driving simulation. The first part describes the driving simulator in details. At the time of installation, the UTL driving simulator was unique and the first to join microsimulation with driving simulation. This type of integration offers major possibilities beyond those of a "classic" driving simulator. The second part is dedicated to the development of the Flex Lanes scenario. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will implement the first Flex Lanes (reversible lanes) project on 5400 S in the City of Taylorsville, Utah, in summer of 2012. The UTL, in cooperation with the AAI Corporation, has developed a real-world driving simulation scenario of the Flex Lanes corridor. The UTL is planning to use this driving simulation to assess the drivers' performance and compliance with the posted signalization.

How to Cite

Martin, Peter T., Milan Zlatkovic, and Ivana Tasic. Utah Traffic Lab Driving Simulator: User Manual and Flex Lanes Scenario Development, MPC-12-247. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2012.

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