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Report Details

Title:Assessing Impacts of Rising Fuel Prices on Rural Native Americans
Authors:Jon Mielke, Jeremy Mattson, and David Ripplinger
Publication Date:Nov 2008
Report #:DP-208
TRID #:01472432
Keywords:economic impacts, low income groups, motor fuels, Native Americans, prices, rural areas, trip length
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


Rural American typically need to travel longer distances than their urban counterparts. They also tend to have lower incomes and have few travel options other than personal automobiles. As a result, rural residents spend a greater percentage of their income on motor fuel than urban dwellers.

Many Native American reservations are extremely rural and poverty levels are often among the highest in the country. This study examines the impacts that rising fuel prices have on rural Native American counties and compares these impacts with other county, state, and national averages. The study's findings are then discussed relative to the implications that they have concerning the need for funding for rural transit services.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050