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Report Details

Title:Supplemental Information for NRMR MPOs - Integrating Security into Small MPO Planning Activities
Authors:John MacGowan, Mark Lofgren, and Kimberly Vachal
Publication Date:Aug 2008
Report #:DP-202
TRID #:01446298
Keywords:disaster preparedness, federal government agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, national security, planning, security, state government agencies, urban areas
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This paper describes the initiatives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at a fairly high level so that members of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) can gain an overview understanding of the direction that agency is taking. Similarly, the highway security programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the DHS, are described. The paper then desribes other programs on behalf of other agencies within the federal government, states, and urban areas that have been undertaken.

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