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Report Details

Title:North Dakota Grain Facility Supply Chain Quality Assurance Project
Authors:Doug Benson, Gary Huang, Kimberly Vachal, and Mark Berwick
Publication Date:May 2008
Report #:SP-168
TRID #:01475846
Keywords:food industry, grain, grain elevators, quality assurance, supply chain management
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


The competitive position of grain producers is continually influenced by the environment, agronomics, markets, and policy. The objective of this project is to provide an overview of the quality assurance (QA) programs commonly utilized by the grain and food industry. The information is a resource for N.D. grain facilities as they seek new opportunities to market North Dakota producers' grain. The QA programs may be used by firms to broadly exhibit that they are compliant with quality standards monitored through a third-party auditing system. The system may be developed to fit the goals of individual grain facilities. As described here, a variety of alternatives may be adopted based on individual business competencies, products, and goals.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050