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Report Details

Title:Northern Plains-Pacific Freight Corridor Profile I: Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Washington
Authors:Kimberly Vachal and Doug Benson
Publication Date:May 2007
Report #:DP-182
TRID #:01493274
Keywords:demographics, economic analysis, freight traffic, freight transportation, infrastructure, rural areas, transportation corridors
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


The Northern Plains-Pacific Northwest Economic Region (NORPAC) comprises a 12-state corridor between Chicago, Illinois, to the Pacific Northwest. This descriptive analysis provides a baseline of demographic, infrastructure, and freight movement information for discussing policy, investments, and planning related to freight mobility. The NORPAC region faces challenges in sustaining its transportation system as demand continues to outpace transportation resources as is the case for the nation. A primary four-state corridor of Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, and Washington faces unique challenges in dependence on highways and vast rural geography. This research is a first step in enhancing decisionmaking criteria for freight mobility in the NORPAC region. These freight mobility decisions are critical to the future work force and goods movements that enable the regional economy to successfully compete in a global marketplace.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050