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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:North Dakota Strategic Freight Analysis: Truck Size and Weight Issues in North Dakota
Authors:Mark Berwick and Mark Lofgren
Publication Date:Jul 2007
Report #:DP-185
TRID #:01677614
Keywords:analysis, case studies, costs, economic impacts, freight transportation, load limits, oversize loads, permits, size and weight regulations, trucks, truck traffic, vehicle size, vehicle weight
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This study analyzes the economic impacts of load limits and the benefits of establishing a statewide program to coordinate the administration of load limits. The study reported truck size and weight regulations as well as state permitting policies and costs for various types of permits in North Dakota. The focus is on intrastate motor carrier movements of freight from farm to market, county to county, or originating in North Dakota and moving out of the state. Case studies provide a cost analysis approach to evaluate concerns about impediments to freight flow, including county road restrictions and seasonal load restrictions. An evaluation of the economic impacts of the elimination of seasonal restrictions on higher truck traffic or interregional corridor routes within the state are presented.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050