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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Relating Wildlife Crashes to Road Reconstruction
Authors:Rhonda Young and Chris Vokurka
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Jul 2007
Report #:MPC-07-189
Project #:MPC-259
TRID #:01051563
Keywords:animals, animal vehicle crashes, before and after studies, deer, design speed, geographic information systems, literature reviews, reconstruction, roads, statistical analysis, wildlife
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


Animal-vehicle crashes are a concern for many areas of the country but are a particular concern for rural areas such as Wyoming. While there is considerable literature available on the effectiveness of various animal-vehicle countermeasures, such as fencing and signing, there is currently little quantifiable data on the effects of roadway reconstruction on these types of crashes. The main-objective of this research is to look at past reconstruction projects to determine the effects various design aspects of these projects have on both animal-vehicle crash rates and the overall crash rates.

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