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Report Details

Title:Design/Build vs. Traditional Construction User Delay Modeling: An Evaluation of the Cost Effectiveness of Innovative Construction Methods for New Construction, Part 2
Authors:Peter T. Martin, Aleksandar Stevanovic, Ivana Vladisavljevic, and Dejan Jovanovic
University:University of Utah
Publication Date:May 2007
Report #:MPC-07-187B
Project #:MPC-265
TRID #:01052043
Keywords:construction, cost effectiveness, design build, highway traffic, highway traffic control systems, information processing, innovation, real time information, traffic data, traffic delays, traffic forecasting, traffic measurement, travel demand
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This paper presents preliminary results of the VISUM Online validation. It compares traffic conditions estimated by VISUM Online to measured data. The results show that VISUM Online produces comparable traffic measures.

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