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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Designing a School Transportation Management System with Public Transportation Capabilities
Authors:David Ripplinger and Yan Wang
Publication Date:Mar 2007
Report #:SP-165
TRID #:01680117
Keywords:algorithms, coordination, demographics, literature reviews, pilot studies, public transit, routing, rural areas, school trips
Type:Research Report – Staff Papers


A profile of the Enderlin community and its reason for selection is presented. Current and projected demographic data is provided, as is information on the local economy, available services, and mobility issues. Possible high-demand locations for users of public transportation, both local and regional, are identified.

This is followed by an overview of the process and results of the application of modern routing and school transportation techniques to the Enderlin School district. The report concludes with an outline of possible next steps and opportunities for further research on the issue.

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