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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Trip Generation Rates for Large Elevators: A North Dakota Case Study
Authors:Denver Tolliver, Alan Dybing, and Subhro Mitra
University:North Dakota State University
Publication Date:Dec 2006
Report #:MPC-06-185
Project #:MPC-221
TRID #:01042454
Keywords:access, case studies, equations, equivalent single axle loads, facilities, flexible pavements, freight transportation, grain elevators, highways, land use, pavement design, railroad trains, shuttle service, traffic data, traffic loads, trip generation


In this paper, elevator trip generation equations are estimated from detailed facility, land-use, and highway traffic data in North Dakota. A trip attraction equation is used to explain the effects of elevator storage capacity and side track capacity on elevator throughput. Elevators are classified on the basis of track capacity as shuttle train, unit train, and multi-car. Shuttle-train elevators typically consign 110-car trains, while unit-train elevators consign 50- to 100-car trains. The analysis shows that large shuttle-train elevators may generate 35,000 to 40,000 loaded and empty truck trips per year. A large unit-train elevator may generate 20,000 annual trips.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050