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Report Details

Title:Support Motion Effects in a Timber Trestle Bridge: Physical and Analytical Modeling
Authors:Steven A. Babcock, Richard M. Gutkowski, Wayne A. Charlie, and Jeno Balogh
University:Colorado State University
Publication Date:Oct 2006
Report #:MPC-06-184
Project #:MPC-215
TRID #:01038309
Keywords:bridges, computer models, deflection, field tests, laboratory tests, load tests, motion, pile foundations, sandy soils, scale models, soil structure interaction, wooden bridges
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This study presents the results of the most recent phase of laboratory research. The effects of support movements observed in the field test were examined by physical laboratory testing and computer-based structural modeling using AxisVM software [Inter-CAD. Kft, 2004]. The goal of this research was to begin developing analytical tools to help predict the performance capabilities of in-situ bridges with support motions included.

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