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Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Assessment of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Pavements Due to Environmental Conditions
Authors:C. Yavuzturk and K. Ksaibati
University:University of Wyoming
Publication Date:Apr 2006
Report #:MPC-06-181
Project #:MPC-243
TRID #:01030699
Keywords:asphalt pavements, bituminous binders, computer models, costs, environmental impacts, precipitation (meteorology), road construction, temperature, thermal stresses
Type:Research Report – MPC Publications


This report is Phase II of a previous MPC research project (MPC 02-136) that developed a computer model using a transient, two-dimensional finite volume approach to mathematically describe the thermal response of asphalt pavements due to thermal environmental conditions on an hourly basis. The main objective of Phase II research is to expand the capabilities of the computer model to include the thermal effects of precipitation and to study the impact of the tilt angle from the horizontal of an asphalt pavement on asphalt temperature predictions. With the expanded capabilities of the computer model, it will be possible to develop preliminary thermal stress maps of asphalt pavements during seasonal and diurnal freeze/thaw cycles.

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